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How to: Default variables, custom mapping and Salesforce

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This article goes over how to set custom mappings and the default mappings set for Salesforce.


If you are using the Design Studio with the SalesForce integration and are looking to map over data, please follow the steps listed below to ensure you get the correct info mapped to your Salesforce account.

When editing a theme …


SnapEngage-HubSpot Timeline Integration for Salesforce Users

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to use the HubSpot Timeline Integration for Salesforce Users.

The SnapEngage-HubSpot integration allows you to automatically send live chat event data to a contact’s timeline within HubSpot. For HubSpot users who have a secondary integration from HubSpot to Salesforce, please follow these steps to


SnapEngage Data for Integration Custom Mappings

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to add SnapEngage Data for Integration Custom Mappings. How to send data from SnapEngage to your CRM.

In this document, you’ll find descriptions for each field available in your Integration’s Custom Mappings under the “SnapEngage” Source Type, and how to use them:




How to setup Salesforce with your Campaign Id

The SnapEngage / Salesforce Integration allows you to link a Campaign to Leads created from Live Chats and Offline messages.

To enable this feature:

1. Navigate to your SnapEngage Integration Settings

2. Check that you are using Sales / Lead workflow

3. Under Additional Lead Settings, select an available Campaign and click Save (Campaigns are automatically loaded from your Salesforce …


How to Integrate SnapEngage with Salesforce

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to integrate SnapEngage with Salesforce.

SnapEngage will automatically notify you when your website visitors contact you. You can either receive offline requests and chat transcripts by email or directly in your preferred Help Desk, CRM or Bug Tracker.

If you would like to receive