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Request email transcript

About This Article

This article explains the Request email transcript feature.

Our request email transcript feature allows visitors to enter their email during a chat with an agent, so they can receive a copy of the transcript for their records once it’s finished.

This is very easy to set up, but please be aware that for this feature to work, …


How to integrate SnapEngage with your Email

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to integrate SnapEngage with Email.

Whenever a visitor contacts you through your SnapEngage chat, a transcript will be created. SnapEngage will automatically send you your online OR offline chats using the email integration, which is the default integration. You can later change your integration …


How do I open a chat from an email link?

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to open a chat from an email link.


You can start a chat from an email link, however, there are certain limitations. SnapEngage needs an active browser window to work — JavaScript code can not be included in emails for security reasons. So …


Set the email address for pre-chat form or start of chat

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to pre set an email address for pre-chat forms or the start of a chat.

Have a returning visitors or customers coming to your site frequently? You can pre-set the email address of a known user or users using our JavaScript API. This will …